Ranchers, rangeland owners and managers comprise one of the most important stakeholder groups with which RR interacts. Integrated resource monitoring provides critical information to improve ranchers’ business plans, ensuring parity between resource capabilities and business goals. In partnership with the Wyoming Business Council, the Wyoming State Grazing Board, University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension, the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative, the USDA Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the USDI Bureau of Land Management, RR has developed a guidebook to assist ranchers in initiating a business planning process and implementing social, ecological, and economic resource monitoring.

Sustaining Western Rural Landscapes, Lifestyles, and Livelihoods
The following files comprise a comprehensive guide to assist farmers and ranchers with developing a business plan, in concert with an experienced planning professional. This publication was created by the Wyoming Business Council and multiple partners, with financial support provided by Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE). For assistance with developing a business plan in Wyoming, please contact the Wyoming Business Council. Outside the state of Wyoming check with your extension agent for available business planning resources.