Integration of social, ecological and economic information is a key component of the RR approach to rangeland sustainability assessment, and RR seeks to promote integrated social, economic, and ecological rangeland research. The RR endeavors to facilitate coordinated rangeland monitoring, analysis and data management. The conceptual framework developed by RR to depict interrelationships among social, economic, and ecological indicator information has been published in peer-reviewed literature and guides RR’s thinking about comprehensive rangeland assessment. Materials related to the conceptual framework are linked below, and RR will continue the evolution and testing of the RR conceptual model to improve rangeland assessments.

  • SRR Update (pdf) – Criteria and Indicators for Standardized Inventory, Monitoring and Reporting (pdf – 3.3MB)
  • Conceptual Model (pdf) – January 2007 (2 pages)
  • Fox, William E., McCollum, Daniel W., Mitchell, John E., Swanson, Louis E., Kreuter, Urs P., Tanaka, John A., Evans, Gary R., Theodore Heintz, H., Breckenridge, Robert P. and Geissler, Paul H.(2009)’An Integrated Social, Economic, and Ecologic Conceptual (ISEEC) Framework for Considering Rangeland Sustainability’,Society & Natural Resources,22:7,593 — 606
    Article URL:
  • Indicator Information Integration (pdf – 800KB)