RR Documents

The June 2000 issue of The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology was devoted to evaluating the first five criteria and associated indicators used by the Roundtables on Sustainable Forests (RSF) for applicability to Rangelands.

Related Documents

Rangeland Resource Trends in the United States: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-68. by John E. Mitchell.

This report documents trends in America’s rangelands as required by the Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974. The Forest Service has conducted assessments of the rangeland situation for 30 years. These RPA reports typically describe supply projections. In this document Chapters 2-4 are written connecting the RSF criteria to the status of resource supplies.

Who can I contact for more information?
University of Wyoming facilitates the Roundtable process. For more information please feel free to contact RR Staff members listed at the bottom of this page.