The Rangelands Roundtable (RR):

  • Focuses on identification of social, ecological, and economic indicators of Rangeland Sustainability.
  • Promotes understanding among diverse interest groups, and private and public organizations and agencies.
  • Includes representatives from non-governmental organizations, public and private land management professionals, rangeland scientists, and university researchers.
  • Meets frequently to identify and develop indicators and models of Rangeland Sustainability.
  • Welcomes new participants and stakeholders interested in Sustainable Rangelands.

Vision Statement

We envision a future where the social, economic and ecological complexity of rangeland science and management is understood and valued, rangeland-dependent communities are profitable and healthy, and leaders are equipped to make collaborative, data-informed decisions.

Cowboy Hat

Ranch Sustainability Assessment Framework & Guidebook

Ranchers, rangeland owners and managers comprise one of the most important stakeholder groups with which RR interacts. Integrated resource monitoring provides critical information to improve ranchers’ business plans, ensuring parity between resource capabilities and business goals. In partnership with the

Assessing Energy Development Alternatives in Rangeland Systems

Assessing Energy Development Alternatives in Rangeland Systems

Energy is fundamental to sustainable development, providing means for resolution of challenges facing humanity, including water and food shortages and poverty. More diverse energy sources are needed for countries to meet future food production needs. Rangelands represent a major source

Usable Science & Future Directions of Rangeland Research

Usable Science & Future Directions of Rangeland Research

Great value can be gained by more closely aligning land managers’ scientific information needs with topics being considered by rangeland researchers and research funding organizations. Usable science that involves the intended end users throughout the scientific enterprise and gives rise